How much are tickets?
There is no cost for this concert. We bring this concert to the community free of charge because we love to share our music.
While are are not requiring tickets, we appreciate an RSVP so we can plan accordingly. You can RSVP here.
What band/group is this?
We are a group of professional musicians from across the country. Read more about us here.
Where is the concert?
The concert is at the Oconomowoc Community Center.  220 W Wisconsin Ave, Oconomowoc, WI 53066
What time does the concert start?
Doors open at 6PM and the concert will start at 7PM.
How long is the concert?
The concert is approximately 90 minutes. There will be a 20 minute intermission.
Is this just for adults?
No, the concert is for all ages. In the past we have had seniors, couples, teens and young children attend. Anyone who has a love of music is invited.
Can I bring food?
No, but we will have complementary non-alcoholic refreshments and finger food. We also encourage you to patronize our sponsors for dinner & drinks before or after the show.
Can I bring alcohol?
No, unfortunately we are unable to offer alcoholic beverages at this event. However we encourage you to patronize our sponsors for dinner & drinks before or after the show.
What type of music will you be playing?
This year's theme is Summer Tango. The program information is here. And will be updated closer to the event.